Chill Factor - SCENE EXT. JUNGLE/TEST SITE - HORN ISLAND, SOUTH PACIFIC - 1977- DAY. BRYNNER Hemmings! Sam, I thought I told you to close up shop and be ready to move up the island by night-... BRYNNER (off) ...-fall. HEMMINGS Yes, Captain Brynner, you did, but-but-- BRYNNER (off) (interrupting) But... BRYNNER ...what, Sam? Can't I go down to the loading dock for a few hours without coming back to find a major... BRYNNER (off) ...screwup? HEMMINGS Uh, with all due respect, sir, Dr. Long told me to prep the field for detonation at... HEMMINGS ...noon. BRYNNER Jesus Chri-- We're on a very slippery slope here, Sam. A covert military operation riddled with civilian... BRYNNER (off) ...scientists. HEMMINGS You don't think it's that bad, do you, sir? I mean, Long's spent the last two years developing his defoliant. The stuff can't even kill crabgrass yet. BRYNNER Where's their protective... BRYNNER (off) ...gear? HEMMINGS (off) It's a hundred degrees... HEMMINGS ...out here, captain. Don't you think the guys deserve a break? BRYNNER They'll get a break tomorrow. BRYNNER We're not gonna take chances on our last day. SCENE INT. BLOCKHOUSE/LABORATORY - DAY. NARRATIVE TITLE CAUTION NARRATIVE TITLE NOTICE TELSTAR (pants) Hey... TELSTAR (off) ...doc. What's up? TELSTAR I thought we wrapped the tests yes-... TELSTAR (face off) ...-terday. Captain Brynner is... TELSTAR ...gonna shit if he finds out we haven't closed up... TELSTAR (face off) LONG I had something of an epiphany this morning, Telstar. I eliminated the binary shell and I grafted the cobalt ion to the other side of the molecule. I think it might give us a significantly more rapid chemical ignition. TELSTAR It better. SCENE INT. BLOCKHOUSE/COMPUTER ROOM - DAY. SWEENEY (grunts) LONG Mr. Sweeney, how goes it? SWEENEY Well, (clears throat) Costello's finished with the stability profile, but Abbott is still chewing on the load file. LONG So reaction temperature is fifty degrees. SWEENEY Well, your prediction was on the nose. LONG How much longer for the range and power projections? SWEENEY (sighs) (raspberries) I don't know. Um, he's working, but there's a lot of data. Maybe...another hour? LONG We don't have an hour. We're already supposed to be shut down. SCENE INT. BLOCKHOUSE/LABORATORY - DAY. BRYNNER Doc-... BRYNNER (off) ...-tor Long. BRYNNER What the hell is all this about a detonation today? We're scheduled... BRYNNER be off the island tonight. LONG And I changed the schedule. LONG I don't work for you, Captain Brynner. BRYNNER Sweeney tells me you don't have computer confirmation? LONG You know, captain, if you hadn't spent so much of your career questioning your superiors, you might've found yourself with more gold leaf on your col-... LONG ...-lar. BRYNNER This isn't some kind of pissing contest, Long. You may be in charge here, but those men out there are my responsi-... BRYNNER ...-bility. LONG Look, this is a scientific experiment, okay? LONG If it works, your stock at the Pentagon will go up along with mine. I don't think I need to mention you could use the help. BRYNNER The NSA thinks the UN is onto your work... BRYNNER, and the White House is screaming about chemical weapons, (face off) and we're... BRYNNER ...sittin' here with our hands in the goddamn cookie jar! And let me tell you something else. I didn't join the service to let people like you turn... BRYNNER ...the United States into the kind of country we're supposed to be fighting against. LONG (overlapping) But you have no choice but to follow orders. LONG Now listen to me. LONG Now, I know. You have moral objections to what we're doing here, but believe... LONG, if I thought there was any real danger, I-I wouldn't go forward. LONG You have my word on that. BRYNNER (sighs) (whispering) All right. (in normal voice) One more shot, provided... (sighs) we're off the island tonight. LONG Let's proceed. TELSTAR Ladies and gentlemen...Elvis is approaching the stage. TELSTAR (grunts) LONG Safe distance - Two hun-... LONG ...-dred yards. LONG And make sure Hemmings hears you say it. SCENE EXT. JUNGLE/TEST SITE - DAY. MEN AT SITE (low and indistinct chatter and grunts - continues under following scenes and dialogue) TELSTAR (grunts) Two hundred yards, Hemmings. TELSTAR D minus five. HEMMINGS (off) All right, we're movin' out, men. TELSTAR (grunts) SCENE INT. BLOCKHOUSE/COMPUTER ROOM - DAY. SWEENEY (hums "Do You Know the Muffin Man?") SCENE EXT. JUNGLE/TEST SITE - DAY. TELSTAR (grunts) (sighs) SCENE INT. BLOCKHOUSE/COMPUTER ROOM - DAY. SWEENEY (grunts) SWEENEY Jesus. (to Long) Dr. Long! SCENE INT. BLOCK HOUSE/LABORATORY - DAY. SWEENEY (off) Dr. (on) Long! SWEENEY (panting) I got eight thousand yards. Radius is five... SWEENEY (off) (panting) ...miles. (pants - continues under following scene and dialogue) LONG What? BRYNNER (off) Long... BRYNNER ...what the hell? SWEENEY (off) Abbott's pre-... SWEENEY ...-dicting the effective detonation radius is five... SWEENEY (off) ...miles! BRYNNER That's the entire island! SWEENEY We've gotta shut it down. SWEENEY (off) We gotta shut it down! LONG (quoting) "I am become Death, the... LONG (off) ...destroyer of worlds." LONG No! LONG No! BRYNNER (shouts indistinct) LONG You'll kill us all! BRYNNER Damn you, Long! My people are out there! Your people are out there! LONG (overlapping) It's too... LONG ...late! It's too late! SCENE EXT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY. TELSTAR (gasps and pants - continues under following scene) TELSTAR (yells) SCENE INT. BLOCKHOUSE - DAY. TELSTAR (off) (sobbing) Let me in! GENERAL (voice over) Captain Andrew Thomas Brynner. TELSTAR (off) (overlapping) (sobbing) Please let me in! (sobs indistinct - continues under following scene and dialogue) ADAMS (voice over) It is the opinion of this review panel... ADAMS (voice over) ...that the verdict delivered in this case is justified, and that you are in fact... ADAMS (voice over) ...guilty of criminal negligence resulting in the deaths of eighteen members of a military research team... SCENE EXT. JUNGLE/TEST SITE - DAY. ADAMS (voice over) ...on the date of August eighteenth, nineteen seventy-seven. SCENE INT. MILITARY COURTROOM - DAY. ADAMS (reading) "It is also this panel's opinion that the sentence of reduction in rank... ADAMS (off) (reading) ...forfeiture of all pay and allowances and twenty years in the United States disciplinar-... ADAMS (reading) ...-y command at Fort Leavenworth is justified. ADAMS (reading) Furthermore, you are advised that, while you are a prisoner, you remain bound by the National Security Act of nineteen forty-sev-... ADAMS (off) (reading) ...-en. If you divulge classified information or discuss the nature of the project in which you were involved... ADAMS (reading) will face further prosecution." Do you under-... ADAMS (off) ...-stand? GENERAL I assume your silence indicates assent. Transfer to Leavenworth will be immediate. You're dismissed. LONG (off) Andrew... LONG ...I wish they would've let me say something... LONG ...about-- BRYNNER (interrupting) There's nothing to say, doctor. Someone had to take the fall, and they still need you, whereas...I've never been anything more than a thorn in their collective side, as you once said. BRYNNER So I'll be locked safely away in some hole along with my secret sins. And yours. SCENE INT. FORT LEAVENWORTH/CELLBLOCK - DAY. NARRATIVE TITLE FORT LEAVENWORTH SCENE INT. FORT LEAVENWORTH/BRYNNER'S CELL - DAY. BRYNNER (sighs) SCENE EXT. FORT LEAVENWORTH - TEN YEARS LATER - DAY. NARRATIVE TITLE TEN YEARS LATER SCENE INT. FORT LEAVENWORTH/BRYNNER'S CELL - DAY. YOUNG GUARD Ready? SCENE EXT. RIVER - DAY. MASON (grunts) MASON Been trying to figure out your secret. LONG My secret? MASON Yeah. Ten months we've been fishin' this river together. We use the same equipment, more or less... MASON (off) ...but you pull twice as many fish out of the water as I do. MASON And I'm good at this. Been doing it since I was a kid. But you, I don't know. Somehow you think... MASON (off) a fish. LONG (chuckles) (chuckling) No, that's not possible, Mason. The trout... (grunts) LONG (off) a perfect hunter. LONG (off) He's brains without ambition... LONG ...sensitivity without neurosis. He's... LONG (off) ...the master of his realm. LONG (face off) How can we ever hope to win against the trout? LONG There's only one way you can do it, Mason. LONG (off) Turn the power of the hunter against him. LONG Tie a fly... LONG (off) ...create a piece of bait that sends the fish's instincts into overdrive... LONG ...forcing him to strike. And only then does our noble friend realize that the prey...can bite... LONG (face off) ...back... LONG ...and that power... LONG (face off) ...without caution... LONG death. MASON Some people might say you're readin' an awful lot in-... MASON (off) ...-to a simple thing like... MASON (off) ...fishin'. LONG (off) Some people might. LONG But I don't think you would. SCENE INT. DARLENE'S STORE - DAY. MASON (exhales) DARLENE (off) Goddamn it, Ma-... DARLENE (off) ...-son. Of all the days for you to show up late. (sighs) First, the idiot April calls in sick. Then I got a bad tooth... DARLENE ...and then my night man shows up when he feels like... DARLENE MASON Darlene, it's five-thirty. Now, I worked late for you this mornin', and you didn't wanna spring for over-... MASON (face off) ...-time, (off) remember? DARLENE Oh. Well, I have got to get to the dentist be-... DARLENE ...-fore he closes, which means you're gonna have to cover the grill and the floor. MASON I can handle it. DARLENE Mm. It doesn't take a genius. DARLENE (sighs) How'd we do today, doc? LONG (sighs) Oh, caught a few, lost a few. DARLENE (chuckles) Story of my life. (sighing) Well, one thing you won't lose is that friend of yours back there, I'll tell you that. LONG Oh, no? DARLENE Oh, you're two of a kind, doc. Oh, he may not have your sheepskins, and... DARLENE (off) ...well, most of the time he looks like something the cat might have dragged in, but, you know... DARLENE ...he's smart enough to get you... DARLENE (off) ...somehow. (chuckles - continues under following scene) DARLENE There's something else too. LONG Uh, we both like to fish. DARLENE (grunts) Secrets. LONG Ah. DARLENE His I know. Yours I don't have a clue. (grunts) But if it wasn't for you, I think he'd have drifted right on through this town. DARLENE (chuckles) LONG You know, I have yet to get a simple cup of coffee and a meal in this place, Darlene. DARLENE And you ain't gonna start now. DARLENE Ma-... DARLENE (off) ...-son! MASON Yeah? DARLENE Be sure you feed Bosco. DARLENE And don't give him any ice cream... DARLENE (off) April. It gives him gas. And make sure there's (on) two pots of coffee... MASON (off) (overlapping) Two pots of coffee... DARLENE (off) ...ready before the morning crowd blows in. MASON (off) (overlapping) ...ready before the morning crowd blows in. I got it... MASON (off) ...Darlene. LONG (grunts) BRYNNER (face off) Is this stool taken? LONG No, go-- BRYNNER You look good, Richard. BRYNNER You look fit...healthy... BRYNNER ...not at all like a man responsible for the deaths of eighteen peo-... BRYNNER (off) ...-ple. LONG Is that why you're here? To blame... LONG (off) Well, you could've saved yourself the trip. LONG I know where the (chuckling) blame belongs. But I didn't put you in prison, Andrew. The government did... LONG ...that. BRYNNER Oh, I'm well aware of what the government did, I assure you. Actually, I've just come to say how grateful I am to you... BRYNNER (off) ...and the government. LONG Grateful? BRYNNER (off) Mm-hm. BRYNNER Together, you gave me the opportunity to realize just how very wrong my life had gone. BRYNNER (off) Do you remember telling me once that all through my career, I'd never fit in? Well... BRYNNER were right, of course. But after... BRYNNER (off) ...years of thinking the matter over, I began to see that the whole thing wasn't really my problem. BRYNNER What rational man could fit in with the sorts of things our government was doing? The sorts of things you've... BRYNNER (off) ...always done, Richard? LONG Do you think I haven't seen the bodies of those... LONG (off) every time I've closed my eyes? But after you went away, I-- BRYNNER (interrupting) Went away? (chuckles - continues under following scene) BRYNNER (off) "Went away." I like that. BRYNNER Almost quaint. LONG All right. After they put you away... LONG ...I began trying to find ways of controlling the effects of the weapon that we tested on Horn Island. BRYNNER And let me guess. You failed. LONG So far, ye-yes. BRYNNER Why is it you scientists can create implements of destruction... BRYNNER (off) quickly, but when it comes to cures and benefits, your... BRYNNER ...speed is nothing short of glacial? BRYNNER (off) Though at least you're trying, Richard. And if the road to hell is paved with good intentions... BRYNNER ...we know you'll find your way there quickly. BRYNNER (off) And don't worry. BRYNNER It's not such a bad place. I should know, after all. MASON Okay, doc. MASON The usual. Doc. SCENE EXT. U.S. ARMY RESEARCH LABORATORY/GUARD GATE - JEROME - NIGHT. NARRATIVE TITLE U.S. ARMY RESEARCH LAB. - JEROME KIOSK GUARD Good morning, Dr. Long. LONG Hi. SCENE INT. U.S. ARMY RESEARCH LABORATORY - NIGHT. PUMPER Morning, doc. Awful early, aren't ya? LONG Couldn't sleep, Pumper. Is everything, uh, all right tonight? PUMPER There's nothin' goin' on out there, doc...except maybe the occasional fly fisherman. LONG (chuckles) PUMPER Hey, doc. Might wanna... PUMPER ...try this one out some-... PUMPER (off) ...-time. (chuckles) LONG Excellent. PUMPER (chuckles) CHARACTER FOOTAGEDIALOGUE SCENE EXT. U.S. RESEARCH LABORATORY/GUARD GATE - NIGHT. BRYNNER Colonel Brynner. I've got an appointment to see Doc-... BRYNNER (off) ...-tor Long. MP Can I see some I.D., sir? BURKE (grunts - continues under following scene) SCENE INT. DENNIS & CARL'S VAN - NIGHT. DENNIS (into radio) Video lock. DENNIS (into radio) You got thirty minutes. SCENE INT. U.S. RESEARCH LABORATORY/CORRIDOR - NIGHT. GUARD #1 (grunts - continues under following scene) GUARD #2 (grunts - continues under following scene) BRYNNER (indistinct) SCENE INT. U.S. RESEARCH LABORATORY/LONG'S OFFICE - NIGHT. LONG (off) (grunts) BRYNNER (sighs) Forget about him. BRYNNER Let's find the prize. BURKE (grunts) SCENE INT. U.S. RESEARCH LABORATORY/CORRIDOR - NIGHT. BRYNNER Vaughn. VAUGHN (into radio) We're in. SCENE INT. U.S. RESEARCH LABORATORY/STORAGE AREA - NIGHT. BRYNNER This is it. SCENE INT. U.S. RESEARCH LABORATORY/STORAGE AREA/FREEZER VAULT - NIGHT. BRYNNER (sighs) SCENE INT. LONG'S CAR - NIGHT. LONG (pants) LONG (pants) SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - NIGHT. MALE RAPPER #1 (over speaker) (raps under following scene and dialogue) ARLO (moans) That's right. SCENE EXT. DARLENE'S STORE - NIGHT. NARRATIVE TITLE ANDY'S ARLO What, do you work for my boss, dog? ARLO Okay, okay. ARLO At least somebody likes this shit. SCENE INT. DARLENE'S STORE - NIGHT. MALE SINGER #1 (over speaker) (sings low and indistinct under following dialogue) ARLO Mornin'. MASON A little early for a delivery. ARLO Oh... ARLO ...yeah. Tryin' to get most of my day done before it hits nine-... ARLO ...-ty. MASON Where's Sam? ARLO Sam? Andy gave Sam a nice big desk to park his fat ass behind. ARLO Where do you want this stuff? MASON Freezer in the back. ARLO Great. (whistles - continues under following dialogue) MASON (face off) Art. LEWIS Morning, Mason. Two large coffees to go, okay? MASON (off) All right. PAPPAS So, Mason, last Wednesday night, uh...were you out... PAPPAS (off) ...uh, drifting around like the trash you are, or were you here workin'? MASON If it was Wednesday night, I was workin'. PAPPAS (face off) Do you recognize this young man? MASON Nope. (grunts) Is there a prob-... MASON (off) ...-lem? PAPPAS You find yourself wearing a... PAPPAS (off) ...badge someday, then you can ask the questions. Until then... PAPPAS (off) answer mine. PAPPAS (off) Got that? PAPPAS So you don't remember... PAPPAS (off) ...selling this young man beer Wednesday night. MASON I don't sell beer to minors. I take that kinda thing... MASON (off) ...seriously. PAPPAS (chuckles) That's not the way I... PAPPAS (off) ...hear it. As a matter of fact-- LEWIS (interrupting) Take it easy, Pappas. (to Mason) Mason, this boy says you did sell him beer... LEWIS (face off) ...that night. MASON Yeah. Well, he's lyin'. PAPPAS Lying? (chuckles) PAPPAS (off) Mason, you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you. We've got your whole record. (chuckles) We know about the-the conviction for vagrancy... PAPPAS ...public drunkenness.... MASON I didn't sell the boy any... MASON (face off) PAPPAS Shut your mouth until I tell you... PAPPAS (off) talk, son. MASON You know, I gotta tell you. That really bothers me, somebody calls me "son." PAPPAS Then how about if I call you "ass-... PAPPAS (off) ...-hole"? LEWIS (off) All right, both of... LEWIS (off), just cool off. LEWIS (off) Look, Ma-... LEWIS ...-son, maybe the kid showed you a fake I.D. or, uh, you forgot to check. MASON I didn't forget to check, and I know how to spot a fake I.D. MASON Especially from a little geek like that... MASON (off) ...kid. PAPPAS That little geek is my... PAPPAS (off) ...son. LEWIS (off) All right. (grunts) Enough. Look... LEWIS ...Mason, I don't wanna hear about you sellin'... LEWIS ...alcohol to minors. MASON (overlapping) I didn't sell any alcohol to any-- LEWIS (interrupting) I'm not saying you did. Just don't, okay? You make sure you keep your nose clean, we won't have any problems. (to Pappas) Let's go, Pappas. LEWIS I said let's... LEWIS (off) ...go. PAPPAS You got a prob-... PAPPAS (off) ...-lem too? ARLO No, sir. I've never seen this guy before. PAPPAS (chuckles) ARLO Sure as hell have met a few assholes like that, though. ARLO (off) (chuckles) (on) You gotta learn to lighten up when the man's in your face. MASON That's my business. ARLO No argument there. MASON The guy's a fuckin' moron. ARLO Hey, I'm with you on that one, my man. Prick. MASON Look, you need me to sign an invoice or somethin'? ARLO Uh, between this month and last month, you owe four hundred and seventeen dollars. And we need that in cash. MASON Since when does... MASON ...Darlene pay you in cash? ARLO Since today. New policy. MASON (sighs - continues under following scene) MASON Yeah, well, Darlene didn't say anything about it to me, so tell Andy to bill her like usual and let them sort it out. Move. ARLO (grunts) ARLO Well, he told me to collect cash. MASON (sighing) Andy. Another fuckin'... MASON (off) ...moron. ARLO Hey, you and I are seein' eye to eye on a whole range of issues this mornin'. (chuckles - continues under following scene) ARLO Uh, huh? ARLO Except for the fact that I need cash. MASON He could've called first. ARLO He could've. That-That's true. But that would've been smart... ARLO ...and fair... ARLO ...two things Andy is not. Uh, but I tell you what. ARLO (face off) Bein' that it's cash, I'm gonna give you ten percent... ARLO Say, uh, three seventy-five. Seein' that we both have so much love... ARLO ...for Andy, I'll tell him I lost a few cartons comin' over (face off) the mountain. ARLO That'll make up the difference, huh? ARLO (face off) Huh? MASON Well, Darlene usually gives me a signed check for emergencies. I could always give you that. ARLO (overlapping) Oh. MASON Why don't I--? ARLO (interrupting) No, no, no, no, no, no. Wait. ARLO Night Shift, see? A check is not cash. ARLO Cash got a whole lot of numbers on it. Pictures of old white men with messed-up hairdos. ARLO (off) That's what I need. ARLO (sighs) All right, all right. I-I'll go you one better. Two seventy-five and I'll tell him you'll make up the balance... ARLO (off) month. Huh? LONG (pants - continues under following scenes and dialogue) MASON Doc! ARLO (off) Aw! Oh, Jesus. MASON (grunts) Hang on. Hang on. LONG Mason. MASON Shit! Oh, shit. (grunts - continues under following scenes and dialogue) LONG (grunts and pants - continues under following scenes) LONG (panting) Is that... LONG (off) (panting) ...his truck? (pants - continues under following scene and dialogue) ARLO Yeah, that's my truck. LONG (panting) Mason, you have to take this... LONG (face off) (panting) Fort McGruder in his truck. (pants - continues under following scenes and dialogue) ARLO Wait. This town is full of trucks. Nice new trucks. You don't need to go... ARLO (off) ...take my sorry old truck. LONG (overlapping) We do need your truck. MASON Call an ambulance. LONG (off) (indistinct to) No... LONG ...there's no time. SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - NIGHT. BURKE I don't see it. BRYNNER Turn around at the gas station. Look behind the buildings. SCENE INT. DARLENE'S STORE - NIGHT. ARLO So you called the damned thing Elvis LONG (shivering) I had no idea how powerful it was. LONG (off) (shivering) Eighteen men were k- killed in sec-... LONG (off) (shivering) ...-onds...with just a fraction of what's in... LONG (shivering) (groans) (grunting) Mason... (shivers - continues under following scene and dialogue) ARLO (sighs) LONG (shivering) ...about the man who did this, he's-he's comin' after it. LONG (shivering) You-You can't let him... LONG (off) (shivering) ...have it. You have to...have to get it to McGruder. ARLO (overlapping) (grunts) (whispering) Hey, actually... ARLO (whispering) ...why don't you make it a hundred and fifty dollars. We'll call it a day. SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - NIGHT. VAUGHN (off) There. BRYNNER Check it out. BRYNNER (into radio) Carl...the main phone junction. SCENE EXT. BRYNNER'S VAN - NIGHT. BRYNNER (off) (into radio) Move. This is already affecting our schedule. SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - NIGHT. BRYNNER (into radio) Dennis, radio the bikes. I wanna know if so much as a squirrel... SCENE EXT. BRYNNER'S VAN - NIGHT. BRYNNER (into radio) ...comes up that road. SCENE INT. DARLENE'S STORE - NIGHT. LONG (shivering) The compound has to be kept cold... LONG (off) (shivering) ...or it'll ignite. (shivers - continues under following dialogue) MASON Cold? Cold. How cold? LONG (shivering) Never let it reach fifty degre-degrees. MASON (pants) And what if it does? LONG (shivering) Everything will die, Mason. LONG (off) (shivering) In-In seconds, everything for hundreds... LONG (off) (shivering) ...of m-miles. (shivers) LONG (shivering) That's w-why you need his truck... LONG (off) (shivering) ...Mason. SCENE EXT. GAS STATION - NIGHT. VAUGHN It's clean. BRYNNER Check the immediate area. VAUGHN This was supposed to be a... VAUGHN ...quick in and out. BRYNNER You have ten percent of a hundred million dollars comin' your way. I think we can impose on you for a little overtime. SCENE INT. DARLENE'S STORE - NIGHT. LONG (shivering) You're the only one I can trust. LONG (off) (shivering) The only one who understands what this me-... LONG (shivering) ...-m-means, Mason. (continues indistinct) (pants - continues under following scenes and dialogue) MASON Doctor. MASON Doc, wait. Doc, wait. MASON (off) Wait, doc! MASON (crying and panting) No. No. MASON (cries - continues under following scene) ARLO Sorry, man. He's dead. MASON (off) (crying and whispering) No. SCENE EXT. GAS STATION - NIGHT. DENNIS (grunts) It's after five... SCENE INT. DARLENE'S STORE - NIGHT. DENNIS (off) ...sir. Our satellite link is on schedule. Should I start the feed? MASON (overlapping) (grunts) BRYNNER (off) Get 'em on line, then stall. Long can't have gotten far. CARL Closin' down, sir. BRYNNER Vaughn, Burke, move to the end of the street. Fan out and work your way back to the motel. BRYNNER (off) (low and indistinct) MASON We gotta get help. (to himself) Aw, fuck! (panting) Damn. MASON Mornin'. BRYNNER Is this your establishment? MASON Yeah, they call me Dar-... MASON (off) ....-lene. BRYNNER Well, then, how about a cup of coffee, Darlene? BRYNNER Iced coffee. MASON I assume you want that to go. BRYNNER Assumptions are always... BRYNNER (face off) ...dangerous. MASON Quite a getup for jacking... MASON (off) ...deer. BRYNNER I beg your pardon? MASON Uh, you wanna hunt outta season, it's cool with me. But mostly, well, they just take a six... MASON ...and a rifle. You, on the other hand... MASON ...look like you're after something more dangerous. BRYNNER Actually, I was just looking for a restroom. BRYNNER I assume you have one. MASON Assumptions are always dangerous. MASON There is one in the back. ARLO (whispering) Hey. ARLO (whispering) Hey, be cool. ARLO (whispering) Be cool. (in normal voice) Be-- ARLO That was quick. BRYNNER (off) (chuckles - continues under following scene) BRYNNER To tell you the truth, we're looking for a scientist who's gone missing from the Tech Center. Maybe you know him. Richard Long. BRYNNER (off) We're worried... BRYNNER ...about him. ARLO I'll keep an eye out. MASON (off) Doc... MASON (off) ...Long. MASON Doc Long. Yeah, I know him. Weirdo guy. He comes in from... MASON (off) ...time to time, yeah. MASON Not tonight... MASON (off) ...though. BRYNNER (grunts) BRYNNER Odd, then, that his car... BRYNNER (off) ...should be right outside. MASON Like I say, Doc Long's... MASON odd guy. MASON Say, general. MASON That'll be fifty cents for the coffee. ARLO What did I say? ARLO (off) Dude in uniform get in your face, you do not shoot your mouth off. MASON I need your truck. ARLO (chuckles - continues under following scene) ARLO No, no, no. You don't need my truck. You need somebody else's truck... ARLO (off) ...and a shitload of ice. MASON Look, if I don't get this stuff to McGruder, it's goodbye, Andy's Ice Cream, goodbye, Jerome, goodbye, Mon-... MASON (off) ...-tana. ARLO Wait, wait. You don't believe the dead guy, do... ARLO (off) ...ya? MASON Yeah, I believe him. He was my friend. ARLO For cryin' out loud. ARLO (off) Hey, listen! Do you know what I think? I... ARLO ...think he was a wacko. And I think that G.I. ninja's a bigger wacko. And I think you're the biggest wack-... ARLO (off) ...-o of all, wantin' to be a part of this wacko shit! MASON I need your help. ARLO You are seriously mistaken if you think you are going anywhere in my... ARLO (off) ...truck. MASON Then you drive me to McGrud-... MASON (off) ...-er. ARLO Look...I got two tons of the world's nastiest ice cream sittin' in a truck that should've been retired ten years ago. That shit will be worthless by noon. ARLO (off) And if that Elvis shit... ARLO as dangerous as you seem to think it is, I'm gettin' my ass as far away from you and it as possible. (kisses) ARLO Peace. MASON (overlapping) All right. ARLO (indistinct - continues under following dialogue) MASON (off) Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. Hold up. Look. MASON You want cash? MASON (off) You want cash? MASON I got, like, uh.... MASON (face off) I got, uh.... MASON I got fifty bucks. I'll get more. MASON (off) I'll rent the truck from you. You can stay here, you can go. Whatever you want. ARLO No. MASON All right, then how about this? ARLO Hey, you're gonna piss me-- What the hell are you supposed to be... ARLO (off) ...doing?! MASON (emphasizing) I need your truck! ARLO You are not takin' my truck! ARLO How far you got to go? SCENE EXT. DARLENE'S STORE - NIGHT. MASON (whispering) Go on. ARLO (pants) Would you hurry up, please? MASON Look, put this in the back. Keep it safe. ARLO (sighs) (grunts) MASON There we go. There we go. Did you keep it safe? Did you (continues indistinct) ARLO What the hell is with you, dog? He's the one with the damn gun. MASON You gave him ice cream, didn't you? Come on, let's go. ARLO (overlapping) Yeah, to keep him off my ass. MASON What did you do that for? It makes him mean as a snake. ARLO That dog was mean before I met him. MASON That dog ain't mean. ARLO (overlapping) I'm gonna stomp your a-- MASON (overlapping) Come on, get in the truck. ARLO I'm gonna bust a mudhole in your ass. I'm gonna-- Don't tell me to shut-- It's none of your business. Man, I can talk all I want to. MASON (off) Shut... SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - NIGHT. MASON (off) ...up. ARLO Are you kiddin'? MASON (overlapping) (sighs) MASON Come on! ARLO Damn. MASON (off) What the hell's goin' on? ARLO It happens to this piece of shit... ARLO (off) ...all the time. ARLO Damn diesel injections are flood-... MASON (off) (overlapping) Excuse me... ARLO (off) ...-ed. MASON (overlapping) ...excuse me. Can you fix this? ARLO Do you wanna give me a minute? MOTEL MANAGER (off) Well, if it's for national se-... SCENE EXT. MOTEL - NIGHT. NARRATIVE TITLE MOTEL MOTEL MANAGER (face off) ...-curity, I guess it's (on) okay. MOTEL MANAGER I just hope we don't bust in on anybody doing what people do in (chuckling) motels. SCENE EXT. ICE CREAM TRUCK - NIGHT. ARLO (grunts) ARLO (grunts) SCENE EXT. MOTEL - NIGHT. BURKE Wait for me here, sir, if you don't mind. SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - NIGHT. MASON Get in (continues indistinct) SCENE EXT. DARLENE'S STORE - NIGHT. BURKE (grunts) BURKE (grunts) Damn dog. MASON (whispering) Hey. Hey. MASON Hey. MASON Get back in... MASON (off) ...the truck. ARLO (indistinct to) help me get in the truck. (continues indistinct) SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAWN. MASON (off) (sighs - continues under following scene) MASON You'd better coast through... MASON (sighs) ARLO (sighs) SCENE EXT. ICE CREAM TRUCK - DAWN. ARLO (sighs) SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAWN. MASON We're clear. ARLO (chuckling) Oh, man. SCENE EXT. ROAD - DAWN. BLONDE BIKER (into radio) All ready. I copy. BEARDED BIKER Get Brynner on the radio. BLONDE BIKER (into radio) Come in, command. Truck just passed... SCENE INT. DENNIS & CARL'S VAN - DAWN. BLONDE BIKER (over radio) ...checkpoint. Over. DENNIS Run that back. CARL Let me... CARL (off) ...enhance it. DENNIS Print it. DENNIS (off) Sir... DENNIS ...transmission just... DENNIS (off) ...came in. BRYNNER Well. It appears someone's been lying to us. SCENE INT. DARLENE'S STORE - DAY. BRYNNER (sniffs) BRYNNER Radio the bikes. SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. VAUGHN Sir, all potential customers have been informed of the delay. Fur-... VAUGHN (off) ...-ther orders? BRYNNER No. A pair of average citizens have decided to risk their lives for their country. I almost remember what that feels like. CHARACTER FOOTAGEDIALOGUE SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY. MASON No cell. ARLO Suppose you're gonna shoot me because you can't get service on my cell phone. NARRATIVE TITLE BILLINGS MASON Billings? No, no, no, no, no. We need to go to McGruder. ARLO No, you gotta go to McGrud-... ARLO ...-er. MASON No, no, no, no, no. We gotta go to McGruder! I go where the truck goes! ARLO No, no, no. ARLO To get to McGruder, you have to go through Missoula, and I ain't goin' to Missoula. MASON No way. We're goin' through McGrud-... MASON (off) ...-er. ARLO I ain't goin' through Missoula! MASON Am I missing somethin' here? ARLO Look...I kinda borrowed the truck from Andy. MASON Borrowed. ARLO Yeah, borrowed! MASON You stole this truck. MASON You stole this truck! ARLO I did not steal this truck! MASON (overlapping) You stole this truck! That's... MASON ...what all the bullshit about the cash was, wasn't it?! You stole this truck, and now you're trying to sell... MASON ...the ice cream for money! ARLO (overlapping) I didn't steal the truck! He owed it to me! Anyway, the important thing is I'm not goin' through Missoula! MASON Look, I don't give a shit if you go through Missoula at a hundred miles an hour. We're goin' to McGruder. MASON And remember, I still have this. Yeah, that's what I thought. SCENE EXT. ROAD - DAY. ARLO (off) I'm about to get in your ass like last year's underwear, man. MASON (off) That's... MASON (voice over) ...fine. ARLO (voice over) I ain't playin' that. MASON (voice over) (overlapping) Shut up. SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY. MASON (face off) (grunts - continues under following scene) ARLO Hey. ARLO We can't push old Pete in this heat. He can't take it. MASON Fine. (sighs) MASON (grunts) MASON You better speed old Pete up. SCENE EXT. ICE CREAM TRUCK - DAY. BEARDED BIKER (off) Pull it over! BEARDED BIKER Pull it over! SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY. MASON & ARLO (laugh) MASON Whoo! MASON Holy shit! ARLO (off) (overlapping) (grunts) MASON God-... MASON (off) ...-damn! ARLO (overlapping) Okay, okay! (exhales) MASON Ah, one of them's in the back. MASON No, no, no, no, no. Keep goin'. ARLO (panting and whispering) Okay. (pants) NARRATIVE TITLE 10% GRADES MASON (grunts) ARLO (sighs) (pants) MASON (off) (grunts) MASON (face off) (grunts) SCENE EXT. ICE CREAM TRUCK - DAY. (INTERCUT WITH INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY) MASON (pants) ARLO You're nuts, goin' back there! MASON Shut up. ARLO (off) (pants - continues under following scene) ARLO Take your gun! MASON Doesn't work. ARLO What? MASON (off) Doesn't... MASON! It's not even load-... MASON (off) ...-ed. ARLO You mean to tell me you hijacked me with an empty gun?! ARLO Hey! ARLO (off) When this is all over, re-... ARLO ...-mind me to kick your ass! SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. VAUGHN Looks like our share just got bigger. SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY. MASON (grunts) SCENE EXT. ICE CREAM TRUCK - DAY. MASON (grunts - continues under following scene) MASON (grunts) MASON (grunts - continues under following scenes) MASON (yells - continues under following scenes) SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/BOX - DAY. MASON (grunts) MASON & BLONDE BIKER (grunt - continues under following scenes) SCENE EXT. ICE CREAM TRUCK - DAY. BLONDE BIKER (grunts - continues under following scene) MASON (grunts) MASON (grunts) BLONDE BIKER (grunts - continues under following scenes and dialogue) MASON (grunts - continues under following scenes) SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY. ARLO (off) (whispering) Oh... ARLO (whispering) ...shit. SCENE EXT. ROAD - DAY. MASON (grunts) SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY. (INTERCUT WITH EXT. ICE CREAM TRUCK - DAY) ARLO (whispering) Oh, shit. MASON (grunts) MASON (face off) (yells - continues under following scene) MASON (groans) MASON (groans - continues under following scene) ARLO (whispering) Oh... ARLO (off) (whispering) ...shit. BLONDE BIKER (face off) (grunts) MASON (yells - continues under following scene) MASON (grunts) MASON (groaning) Oh, no. ARLO Get him to stand up, Night Shift. MASON (grunting) All right. ARLO Okay! All right! MASON (grunts) SCENE EXT. MOTEL - DAY. LEWIS So you're sure it was Mason? MOTEL MANAGER Positive. MOTEL MANAGER He came out of the store with the ice cream guy. The men from the base, they took off... MOTEL MANAGER ...right after them. LEWIS Thank you. MOTEL MANAGER You're welcome. PAPPAS (overlapping) Thanks. (sighs) LEWIS It must've happened right after we left. PAPPAS Missoula's reporting the refrigerator truck as a stolen vehicle. I told you Mason was walking shit. LEWIS Pappas, that other guy was unloading ice cream into a freezer. Now, what could he have to do with a military scientist, huh? PAPPAS The sooner you get up the lab, the sooner you'll figure it out. LEWIS (chuckles) LEWIS (off) And where are you going? PAPPAS After that re-... SCENE INT. PAPPAS' POLICE CAR - DAY. PAPPAS ...-frigerator truck. SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY. MASON (face off) (grunts) (on) (pants) (panting) Elvis is on ice again. ARLO (panting) Okay. MASON (pants) (panting) Nice job back there. MASON (off) (pants - continues under following dialogue) ARLO Don't gimme that "nice job" shit, man! They still got a vanload comin', and what do you got besides an empty... ARLO (off) ...gun?! MASON I was thankin' you, asshole! ARLO Kiss my ass! MASON (pants - continues under following scene) MASON (panting) It's goin' through. (pants - continues under following dialogue) FEMALE 911 OPERATOR (over telephone) Emergency. Please... FEMALE 911 OPERATOR (over telephone) ...hold. MASON (into telephone) You gotta b--! (to Arlo) They put me on hold! ARLO Probably because they know a psycho when they hear one. MASON (off) (overlapping) No... MASON ...I'm not the psycho. ARLO Hey, take a look at your situation and... ARLO (off) ...reconsider that statement there, Night Shift. You're psy-... ARLO ...-cho and a hijack-... ARLO (off) ...-er! MASON (overlapping) Hi--! The gun was empty! ARLO Every time I look at you, I wanna hit... ARLO MASON You wanna hit me? ARLO And I'm a peaceful man, and... ARLO ...I believe in live and... MASON (off) (overlapping) Yeah... ARLO ...let live. MASON (overlapping) stole the truck to uphold your principles, right? ARLO I did not steal the truck. MASON (off) (overlapping) (pants - continues under following dialogue) ARLO It was owed to me. You stole the damn... ARLO (off) ...truck! MASON (overlapping) Shut up, shut up! It's beeping. ARLO Well, then, that means it's call... ARLO (face off) ...waiting! MASON (off) You (face off) snatch that (off) phone (face off) from me one more time, I'm-- ARLO (interrupting) Hey! Hey! (into telephone) Andy's Ice Cream. BRYNNER (over telephone) Dutiful citizens, you have something which I have waited years for. SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. (INTERCUT WITH INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY) BRYNNER (into telephone) Give it to me now, or you'll be dead... BRYNNER (over telephone) ...within five minutes. ARLO It's for you. MASON (into telephone) Yeah? BRYNNER (into telephone) Contrary to what Dr. Long may have told you, this is neither... BRYNNER (over telephone) ...your concern nor your fight. Relinquish the package and you can go. MASON (into telephone) I don't know what the hell... MASON (off) (into telephone)'re talkin' about. ARLO What'd he say? BRYNNER (over telephone) Don't be tedious, waiter. Dr. Long called it Elvis. SCENE EXT. ROAD - DAY. BRYNNER (voice over) You have no idea what you're in possession of, do you? SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY. ARLO (pants - continues under following scene) ARLO (into telephone) Listen, shithead! ARLO (into telephone) I got three thousand dollars of highly perishable ice cream products that taste bad enough when it's... ARLO (over telephone) ...frozen! So if you don't mind--! BRYNNER (into telephone) (overlapping) Just give me Elvis and I'll make sure you have enough money for a dozen ice cream trucks. ARLO (into telephone) I don't ever wanna see another ice cream... ARLO (off) (into telephone) ...truck! MASON Gimme this god-... MASON (face off) ...-damn phone. MASON (pants) (into telephone) Talk to me. SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. (INTERCUT WITH INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY) BRYNNER (into telephone) I want you to look at one another... BRYNNER (over telephone) ...and ask a simple question - Are you actually prepared... BRYNNER (over telephone) die for a country that's... BRYNNER (over telephone) ...never done a thing for you? BRYNNER (into telephone) Because if you don't give me that cylinder, your lives will end... BRYNNER (over telephone) ...on this miserable road to nowhere. BRYNNER (over telephone) And I can't guarantee the end will be quick. MASON (into telephone) Elvis is fuckin' dead, man. Get yourself some CDs. MASON (pants) SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. BRYNNER Vaughn, get the M-seventy-nine ready. VAUGHN You can't fire on them. You're gonna detonate the crystals. BRYNNER Prep the launcher now. BRYNNER Now! SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY. ARLO (pants) (panting) Oh, shit. SCENE EXT. ROAD - DAY. BRYNNER Your move. (to Vaughn) Okay, Vaughn, you drive. ARLO (off) Oh, my God. MASON Hey. Hey, hey, hey! MASON (off) Stop! MASON (off) Stop this boat. MASON Whoa! Slow... MASON (off) ...down. MASON (off) Stop! MASON & ARLO (off) (yell - continues under following scene) ARLO (off) (indistinct - continues under following scene) MASON (yells) ARLO Oh! SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY. (INTERCUT WITH EXT. ICE CREAM TRUCK - DAY) MASON Holy shit... MASON (off)! ARLO Oh, shit. MASON Back up! Back... MASON (off) ...up! ARLO (off) (grunts) ARLO Come on, old... ARLO (off) ...Pete! Come on! There it... ARLO (off), old Pete! Come on, baby! MASON (face off) All right, you got it. MASON You got it. MASON (off) Go, go! MASON (off) Go! Got it, got it, got it! (groans) SCENE EXT. ROAD - DAY. MASON (grunts) Fuck! (pants) MASON (face off) (groans) MASON Oh, shit. ARLO (overlapping) (grunts) (pants) Oh, we're screwed, Night... ARLO ...Shift. ARLO You can just bend over and kiss your crazy ass goodbye, buddy! (pants - continues under following dialogue) MASON I think... MASON ...we can make it. ARLO You think we can make what?! (pants) You see that truck?! ARLO Eight and a half feet wide! Weighs over five tons! ARLO Hey, and what if we (off) don't make it?! MASON (overlapping) (pants) ARLO Your weedkiller on steroids goes down with us! Everybody (off) dies! MASON I don't think we have much of a choice... MASON (off) we? ARLO Oh, shit. MASON (face off) That's right. Now, (on) move! ARLO (overlapping) (pants - continues under following scene and dialogue) MASON (pants) ARLO Oh, shit. ARLO (off) (panting) Okay. MASON (groans) Okay. (grunts) SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY. ARLO Unbe-fucking-lievable. SCENE EXT. ICE CREAM TRUCK - DAY. ARLO (grunts) MASON Goddamn! ARLO (overlapping) Oh, Petey. Oh, Petey. Oh, please, Pete. Please don't do this to me. Okay. ARLO Damn. (to Mason) Okay! Okay! SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK - DAY. (INTERCUT WITH EXT. ROAD - DAY) ARLO (pants) (panting) I should've had that dog bite me. I would've gotten rabies! Could've went to the hospital, had a pretty nurse! ARLO Hey, hey! Whoo! Okay. MASON (overlapping) Go, go, go, go, go. Oh, shit. MASON (off) Oh, shit. ARLO Come on, old Pete. ARLO (off) Come on! ARLO (off) Come on, old Pete. ARLO (off) God, man! ARLO (off) I'm goin'. I'm goin', baby. I'm goin', I'm goin'. MASON (off) (overlapping) Oh... MASON ...easy, easy, easy. MASON (off) Left, left, left! MASON Get over! Get over! ARLO (off) Come on. ARLO Oh, shit. (to truck) Come on, old... ARLO (off) ...Pete! Come on. ARLO (off) Come on, old Pete. Oh. ARLO (off) I know the likeli-... ARLO (off) ...-hood of you knowin' any prayers is slim... ARLO ...Night Shift, but you might... ARLO (off) ...wanna give it a try! ARLO (off) Come on, old... ARLO ...Pete. Come on. MASON (off) (groans - continues under following dialogue) ARLO (off) Come on. ARLO (off) Come on. ARLO (off) Come on... ARLO (off) crazy bastard. MASON (off) All right, you got it, you got it! MASON (off) Got it, got it, got it! MASON Go, go, go, go, go! MASON Go! SCENE INT. ICE CREAM TRUCK/CAB - DAY. MASON Whoo! ARLO (overlapping) Whoo! MASON I made it! MASON (off) (sighing) I made it. ARLO What are you talkin' about?! I'm the one drivin'! MASON You okay? ARLO What the fuck was that?! MASON Shit. You gotta pass him. (pants - continues under following dialogue) ARLO Gee, you think so? ARLO Holy--! ARLO (grunts) (pants) Okay. That didn't work. MASON (overlapping) (pants) Gee, you think so? ARLO Shut up! ARLO (off) (indistinct - continues under following scene and dialogue) MASON Ho, ho... ARLO (off) (overlapping) Oh... MASON (off) ...ho! ARLO (off) (overlapping) ...shit! MASON (off) (shouts indistinct) ARLO (off) (overlapping) (indistinct - continues under following scene and dialogue) MASON Hang on! MASON (off) Hey! ARLO (yells) MASON (grunts) SCENE EXT. ROAD - DAY. ARLO (off) (grunts - continues under following scene) ARLO (off) (grunts and pants) Shit. (grunts and pants) MASON (off) (grunting) Go on. ARLO (face off) (grunting) Go, go. MASON (off) (grunts and pants - continues under following scene and dialogue) ARLO (off) (grunts and pants - continues under following scene and dialogue) ARLO (crying) Oh, Pete. Oh, shit! Oh, shit! MASON (pants) ARLO No. (groans) Shit. MASON (grunting) Come on. ARLO (overlapping) (grunts) Oh, shit. Oh, shit. (pants - continues under following scene) ARLO Oh, shit. (panting) It's okay. Okay. (grunts - continues under following dialogue) MASON (grunts - continues under following dialogue) ARLO Okay. MASON All right. MASON (panting) Okay. ARLO (panting) All right. MASON Gimme that, gimme that, gimme that. ARLO (overlapping) (panting) Okay. Okay. (pants - continues under following dialogue) MASON (panting) These'll keep it cold. ARLO (panting) Yeah... ARLO (off) ...yeah. MASON (face off) (sighing) Aw, shit (continues low and indistinct) (grunts and pants) ARLO (grunts) MASON All right, let's go. ARLO (overlapping) (pants) ARLO (panting) Okay. All right. Okay. (grunts) ARLO (pants - continues under following scene and dialogue) MASON Hey, put it back! We're takin' off. MASON Hey, wait, wait... MASON (off) ...wait! MASON (panting) I got an idea. DRIVER Hey, hey, what's goin' on here? Are you... DRIVER (off) ...guys all right? MASON Just stay... MASON (off) ...back! DRIVER (grunts) MASON (off) Stay back! I'm taking your boat. ARLO (face off) (overlapping) Listen! (on) Listen... ARLO him! You don't know who... ARLO (face off)'re dealin' with! MASON I'm a dangerous man! ARLO Yeah, he's a dangerous... ARLO (face off)! ARLO He's crazy! MASON I'm crazy? MASON I'm cra-... MASON ...-zy! DRIVER (grunts) ARLO What are you doin'? MASON (off) (grunts - continues under following scene) MASON Taking it down the hill. ARLO You're--? What?! MASON (grunts) ARLO You're not dangerous! You're crazy! I ain't gettin' in this damn thing! MASON Then stay... MASON! ARLO Oh, shit. (panting) Okay. Come on. MASON & ARLO (grunt) ARLO (pants - continues under following scene) ARLO Oh, hell... ARLO (off)!! ARLO (pants - continues under following dialogue) MASON I don't want you to come anyway. (pants - continues under following dialogue) ARLO What? MASON Come on! ARLO (whimpering) Oh, shit. ARLO (panting) Oh, shit! (face off) Oh, (on) shit. SCENE EXT. HILLSIDE - DAY. ARLO (yells - continues under following scenes and dialogue) MASON (off) (yells - continues under following scenes) MASON & ARLO (overlapping, indistinct chatter, grunts and yells - continues under following scenes) MASON & ARLO (pant - continues under following scene) ARLO (yells) ARLO (grunts - continues under following scene) ARLO (pants - continues under following scenes and dialogue) MASON Keep still. ARLO (whispering) Okay. Okay. ARLO (yells - continues under following scenes and dialogue) MASON (yells - continues under following scenes) ARLO Oh, shit! MASON (overlapping) No! ARLO Oh, no! ARLO Oh, no! MASON (overlapping) (grunts) ARLO (off) (yells - continues under following scenes) SCENE EXT. RIVER - DAY. MASON & ARLO (gasp and grunt) MASON Whoo! ARLO (pants) Whoo-hoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo-hoo! MASON & ARLO (laugh) MASON & ARLO (face off) (grunt) MASON (off) (pants - continues under following dialogue) ARLO (chuckles) (panting) All right. Hey. MASON (off) (grunts - continues under following scene and dialogue) ARLO (grunts) MASON (face off) (groans - continues under following scene) MASON (laughs - continues under following dialogue) ARLO Whoo-hoo-hoo! MASON & ARLO (in unison) Whoo-hoo! (continues under following scene) ARLO Are you crazy?! Take the boat?! SCENE EXT. ROAD - DAY. CARL (grunts) (panting) There's nothing in here, sir. They got away with it. BRYNNER All right. Let's clear the mess and move out. CARL (sighs) CHARACTER FOOTAGEDIALOGUE SCENE EXT. ROWBOAT - DAY. ARLO Uh-oh. MASON What? ARLO This thing just went up a degree. Ice cream's not workin'. MASON This river's fed by a glacier. Willing to bet my life that it's a good deal under fifty degrees. ARLO Okay. ARLO Worth a try. MASON (sighs - continues under following scene) ARLO Hey, you didn't happen to lock the truck up when you got out... ARLO (off) ...did you? MASON You're fucked, man. ARLO See, now why would you do that to a man in my posi-... ARLO (off) ...-tion? MASON Hey, I didn't steal the truck. You... MASON (face off) ...stole the truck. ARLO (overlapping) Hey, I told you I did not steal that truck. Andy owes me a lot more than that four-wheeled... ARLO (off) ...piece of shit was worth. MASON It won't even start half the time. ARLO (off) You know what I'm sayin'? ARLO I deserve a lot more than that truck! Ten years, ten years I busted my ass for that fat rat bastard. ARLO (off) And he swore, he swore once I got a degree... ARLO ...there'd be a sales rep desk with my name on it. But every time something opened up, there'd be some idiot cousin... ARLO (off) ...or nephew or some good old boy... ARLO ...just ready to just slide him right in there. And what about me, huh? What about Arlo, huh? What about my needs? You know, I got a-I got student loans... ARLO (off) ...overdrawn bank accounts. ARLO Nobody's lookin' out for my interests. (grunts) My credit was fucked! And then when he promoted Sam over me, I just snapped. So I split. MASON So you took his... MASON (off) ...truck. ARLO So I took his truck, yeah. MASON (off) (overlapping) Yeah. ARLO You know. SCENE EXT. ROAD - DAY. BRYNNER (face off) This river ends at a hydro dam... BRYNNER Missoula. All we need to do is get to Mason before anyone else does. BRYNNER Carl, Dennis, get out of sight. BRYNNER Officer Pappas, I'm glad you're here. PAPPAS Mind if you tell me what's goin' on? BRYNNER I'm Colonel Brynner, U.S. Special Operations Com-... BRYNNER ...-mand out of Fort Bragg. BRYNNER (off) We were called in by the Jerome base... BRYNNER pursue a man who's stolen government proper-... BRYNNER ...-ty. PAPPAS Right. Tim Mason. BRYNNER You know the suspect? PAPPAS Yeah, he's wanted in connection with a death this morning at the Jerome... PAPPAS ...general store. BRYNNER Richard Long. PAPPAS That's right. BRYNNER Long went missing from the Tech Center this morning along with a very dangerous... BRYNNER ...weapon. Deputy, I'd deeply appreciate your assistance on this. BRYNNER Who knows? It might even put some more gold on that collar of yours. SCENE EXT. ROWBOAT - DAY. MASON You know, four years ago, I was a split end at Kentucky State. MASON (face off) We were nationally (off) ranked. ARLO How wonderful for you. MASON Started every game my senior year. Not all-American or anything, but not bad. Anyway, the real star was my best friend, the quarterback. Got taken in the first round. ARLO Robert Del Rio? MASON Yeah, Robert Del Rio. ARLO I remember him. Got in a car crash or somethin'. MASON We were celebrating right after the draft, going from bar to bar. I was drivin'. MASON And I put the car into a ditch. He spent eighteen weeks in the... MASON (off) MASON Never gonna throw a ball in the pros. MASON (sighs) Couldn't deal with it. So I split. MASON (face off) And (off) things sort of just went downhill from there. MASON Anyway, about ten months ago, I wound up in Jerome, workin' for Darlene. ARLO Well, shit. Could be worse. I mean, we're both up shit's creek, but at least we have a paddle. MASON We got two paddles. ARLO (chuckles) SCENE EXT. U.S. RESEARCH LABORATORY - DAY. VITELLI Is the facility secure? SERGEANT Yes, sir, colonel. There's four dead, but the security video's clean. VITELLI It's a patched-in feed. It's probably a loop. VITELLI (sighs) Deputy. VITELLI Deputy, I'm Colonel Vitelli. I'm on special as-... VITELLI ...-signment. LEWIS Deputy Art Lewis, Jerome County Sheriff's Department. VITELLI (overlapping) Uh-huh. LEWIS I don't suppose you'd like to tell me what this is all about. VITELLI I will tell you what I... VITELLI ...can, deputy. BIG RANGER (overlapping) Colonel Vitelli. We got a busted-in cold vault inside. VITELLI Is it--? BIG RANGER (off) Looks like it. Yes, sir. VITELLI Alert seventy-fifth rangers. Code Blue. Tell them Elvis has left the building. LEWIS What the hell are you talkin' about... LEWIS ...colonel? VITELLI Have you I.D.'d the bodies? BIG RANGER They were all wearing hardware. VITELLI Any of them Richard Long? BIG RANGER No, sir. LEWIS Well, I've got Dr. Long's body down at the coroner's office. LEWIS One of our units is pursuing a suspect up the thirty-... LEWIS ...-five. VITELLI Who's your suspect? LEWIS A man named Tim Ma-... LEWIS ...-son. VITELLI Run a check. FBI, Interpol. BIG RANGER Yes, sir. VITELLI If you're right, Lewis, this Mason is one hell of a pro. He must have a service record and a paper trail some-... VITELLI ...-where. LEWIS Mason? (chuckling) No, he's a soda-jerk drifter, a hamburger flipper. VITELLI It could be a cover, I suppose. VITELLI Whoever did this is a man who knows his business. SCENE EXT. ROWBOAT - DAY. MASON Listen, Arlo... MASON ...for whatever it's worth, I'm sorry I dragged you into this... MASON (off) ...shit. ARLO To tell you the truth, you didn't. ARLO (off) Not completely, anyway. ARLO I mean, if that gun was... ARLO ...loaded, I didn't buy you as a shoot- ... ARLO (off) ...-er. It was your friend... ARLO ...Long. Somethin' about that look in his eye when he talked about that Elvis... ARLO (off) ...shit. MASON Well, all the same. If we get to Missoula, help me find a car. I'd appreciate it. can... MASON (off) ...split. ARLO Split? I wouldn't get ten... ARLO (off) ...miles. MASON (chuckles) ARLO Like I said, I got a pretty good idea of what's at stake here. ARLO (off) We need to finish this, Night Shift. ARLO Hang on to your ass, Missoula! ARLO Arlo's back...and he's bringin' the King. SCENE EXT. RIVER - DAY. MASON (off) (yells - continues under following dialogue) ARLO (off) That is loud! I'm (continues indistinct) MASON (off) (overlapping) Whoo! ARLO (off) Yeah, baby! MASON & ARLO (off) (in unison) Whoo! SCENE INT. ANDY'S CAR - MISSOULA - DAY. ARLO Damn. SCENE INT. ANDY'S ICE CREAM FACTORY/STAIRWELL - DAY. ARLO (sighs) SCENE INT. ANDY'S ICE CREAM FACTORY/ANDY'S OFFICE - DAY. NARRATIVE TITLE Andy's NARRATIVE TITLE CANCELLED ICE CREAM ANDY (off) Hey, Arlo. ARLO (sighs) Well, that just about figures for today. ICE CREAM ANDY So...where's my truck? ARLO It's, uh, parked just off of Highway Thirty-Five. ICE CREAM ANDY I did what I could for you... ICE CREAM ANDY (off) ...Arlo, and you screwed me for it. Now, where's my goddamn truck? ARLO I ain't got time to argue with you today, Andy. But I can tell you this. Takin' your truck pissed you off? ARLO (off) Huh? ARLO You're gonna (chuckling) be real mad when I take the pickup. BRYNNER (blows) BRYNNER (growls) And so Missoula's prodigal son returns. SCENE INT. HARDWARE STORE - DAY. MASON (into telephone) Hello. BRYNNER (over telephone) I got someone who's anxious to talk to you, Mr. Mason. SCENE INT. ANDY'S ICE CREAM FACTORY/ANDY'S OFFICE - DAY. BRYNNER I urge you to be persuasive. BRYNNER This country trained me to kill... BRYNNER (off) ...without compunction. ARLO Well, well, well. ARLO (off) Funny situation, ain't it, Andy? BRYNNER Three seconds. One... ICE CREAM ANDY You've gotta help me, Ar-... ICE CREAM ANDY (off) ...-lo. BRYNNER ...two. ARLO Why don't you get that tub of shit Sam to... ARLO (off) you? ICE CREAM ANDY (overlapping) (pants) Look, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. Whatever you want. Please! BRYNNER Gentlemen, I have never been known for my... BRYNNER (face off) ...patience. ICE CREAM ANDY (pants) Arlo! SCENE INT. HARDWARE STORE - DAY. MASON (into telephone) Arlo. SCENE INT. ANDY'S ICE CREAM FACTORY/ANDY'S OFFICE - DAY. (INTERCUT WITH INT. HARDWARE STORE - DAY) ARLO All right, all right. Hey, hey. ARLO Hey. (into telephone) (to Mason) Mason. MASON (into telephone) Yeah. ARLO (over telephone) I think you oughta cut a... ARLO (over telephone) with this asshole. ARLO (over telephone) Even though it is nice to see Andy... ARLO (off) (into telephone) ...squirm, I don't want his brains all over my shirt... ARLO (over telephone) ...or my conscience. ARLO (into telephone) A-And you owe me... ARLO (over telephone) MASON (into telephone) Yeah, I know, I know. MALE STORE EMPLOYEE (overlapping) (grunts) BRYNNER (into telephone) You still there, Mr. Mason? MASON (into telephone) Yeah, I'm listenin'. BRYNNER (over telephone) Then meet me at the dam in fifteen minutes. BRYNNER (into telephone) And be intelligent about this. Tricks will cost lives. SCENE INT. HARDWARE STORE - DAY. LONG (voice over) Create a piece of bait that... LONG (voice over) ...sends the fish's instincts into overdrive... LONG (voice over) ...forcing him to strike. STORE OWNER Everything all right... STORE OWNER (off) ...son? MASON Yeah, I just.... MASON (off) Tryin' to remember somethin' somebody once told me about tyin' a fly. LONG (voice over) And only then does our noble friend realize... LONG (voice over) ...that the prey can bite back. MASON Let me have those. SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. DENNIS Sir... (grunting) I think you should take a look at this. Judging... DENNIS the signature pulse and velocity...helicopters. Maybe fifteen minutes. CARL Rangers. That was only a matter of time. BRYNNER Of which we have more than enough. SCENE INT. HELICOPTER - DAY. GOMEZ All right, listen up! GOMEZ (off) Stay sharp! NARRATIVE TITLE TOP GOMEZ (face off) Now, this is the guy we're lookin' for! (off) His name is Tim Mason! GOMEZ (off) And he's got the acrylic container! HARDNOSE Do we know what's inside?! GOMEZ You don't need to know! Let's just get it back, all right?! SCENE EXT. CARNIVAL - DAY. PEOPLE AT CARNIVAL (off) (low and indistinct chatter - continues under following scenes) SCENE EXT. DAM - DAY. BRYNNER I don't see my container. MASON You try anything, it goes in... MASON (off) ...the river. BRYNNER It's a little late for matinee heroics, Mason. Just give me the con-... BRYNNER (off) ...-tainer! MASON Where's Arlo? BRYNNER Bring him up. ARLO (low and indistinct) (pants) (indistinct) MASON Bring him down! BRYNNER (low and indistinct) ARLO (pants) MASON (pants - continues under following scene) BRYNNER Your fellow hero, untouched... BRYNNER ...and unharmed, de-... BRYNNER ...-spite the mouth. MASON Him first. ARLO (pants) MASON (panting) You all right? MASON (pants - continues under following scene) MASON Run! MASON & ARLO (pant - continues under following scene) VAUGHN Down! (continues under following scene) MASON (face off) (grunts) MASON (face off) (grunts) MASON (grunts) BRYNNER (grunts) (pants) SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. DENNIS (off) Rangers. DENNIS Go. SCENE EXT. DAM - DAY. MASON (off) (grunts) BRYNNER (off) (pants - continues under following scene) BRYNNER You should've taken the money. ARLO Bullshit. You would've killed us anyway. MASON (overlapping) (grunts) VAUGHN (off) Shit. BRYNNER Just when we have all the cards, Vaughn. (chuckles) Take these two behind the van. VAUGHN Move! MASON (grunts) VAUGHN (face off) Move! MASON (grunts) SCENE INT. HELICOPTER - DAY. GOMEZ I got the container! Bring it in... GOMEZ (off)! PILOT That's not Mason. GOMEZ Doesn't matter who he is! We're goin'... GOMEZ (off)! SCENE EXT. DAM - DAY. MASON Ow! (face off) (grunt) ARLO (grunts) MASON (grunts) ARLO Are you all right? MASON (panting) No. (pants) PATROL CAP (low and indistinct) BRYNNER (off) That's far enough, gentlemen! BRYNNER Do you know who I am? GOMEZ Gas masks. BRYNNER Gas masks? Gas masks? The men on Horn Island had gas... BRYNNER (off) ...masks! PATROL CAP Where the fuck is Horn Island? BRYNNER Was! Horn Island was! MASON (panting) Listen, Arlo. MASON (grunts - continues under following scene) ARLO Hey! VAUGHN Shut your mouth. MASON (face off) (grunts) (pants) BRYNNER Do you know what'll... BRYNNER (off) ...happen if I drop this? VITELLI Brynner. BRYNNER Well, Lieutenant Vitelli. BRYNNER (off) Good to see you again, Leo. BRYNNER Pleasant surprise. VITELLI I can't say it's a surprise. VITELLI And I certainly can't say it's pleasant. VITELLI As soon as I heard Elvis was on the loose, you came to mind. VITELLI I checked your release date. I never liked coincidences. BRYNNER And I don't like deviations from plans, Leo, as I'm sure you re-... BRYNNER (off) ...-member. GOMEZ Colonel, sir, who the hell is this guy? VITELLI He was Major Andrew Bryn-... VITELLI (off) ...-ner. We did two tours together in Vietnam. VITELLI Until he got busted down to nursemaiding scientists. BRYNNER Yeah, I had a small problem with members of our side murdering civil-... BRYNNER (off) ...-ians. But I assure you, Leo... BRYNNER ...I lost all my squeamishness at Leav- ... BRYNNER (off) ...-enworth. I'll have no compunction at all about using this. BRYNNER Hm. The wind's northwest. That oughta be...Seattle. BRYNNER (off) Or I may be wrong. The breeze could be gusting south. That'd be Billings... BRYNNER ...maybe even Salt Lake, not to mention Casper... BRYNNER (off) ...Destry, Fair Oaks.... VITELLI Knowing you, Brynner, you've got buyers waiting to buy! You're not gonna use that... VITELLI (off)! BRYNNER And I'm warning you, Leo. Don't test me. Get your men and your machines off my radar screen in five, or three million people will die. BRYNNER (off) I'll do it. VITELLI Tell the choppers we're lifting off! GOMEZ Excuse me, sir?! BRYNNER Your colonel's giving you a wise order, soldier. VITELLI It's not over, Brynner. GOMEZ Sir, we can't just let him get away with this! VITELLI (overlapping) Gomez, you fight the battles you can win. Now, we've been outmaneuvered here. Brynner's next move is gonna be to get Elvis out of the country and sell him to the highest bidder. To do that, he has to have planned an exit point. That's where we intercept him. That's where we make our play. Now you and your men back off. GOMEZ All right, let's move... GOMEZ (off) ...out! ARLO They're takin' off. MASON (grunting) Huh? ARLO They're movin'. MASON (grunts) MASON (grunts) BRYNNER Dennis! BRYNNER Get your links set up! BRYNNER I wanna patch in from... BRYNNER! VAUGHN What about these two? BRYNNER (off) We're gonna use them for demonstration (on) footage. BRYNNER Having witnessed the effects myself, I can assure you it'll be very useful when the bidding starts. BRYNNER (face off) Get 'em in the (off) middle of the dam. VAUGHN Sir. SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. VAUGHN (off) Up! DENNIS (off) Taipei is on-line. DENNIS Geneva's comin' up, and we should have Karachi and Kabul in a cou-... DENNIS (off) ...-ple of minutes. BRYNNER All right. Tell the pilot we'll be a half-hour. SCENE EXT. DAM - DAY. BRYNNER (off) Carl! Set up the camera. SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. BRYNNER Dennis, we will open the bidding at one hundred million... BRYNNER (off) ...dollars. DENNIS (chuckles) SCENE EXT. DAM - DAY. MASON (pants and grunts) BRYNNER (grunts) It won't be long, gentlemen. ARLO (off) (pants - continues under following scene) BRYNNER And it won't be pleasant. (grunts) BRYNNER (face off) But... BRYNNER ...such is the price...of patriotism. BRYNNER Vaughn. ARLO (panting) Hey! ARLO Hey! MASON Hey, just shut up. ARLO We're gonna die! MASON (overlapping) Arlo, shut up. ARLO (pants - continues under following scene) DENNIS Everybody's linked... DENNIS (face off) ...up. BRYNNER All right. Clear the area. ARLO We're gonna die! ARLO (off) We're gonna die! MASON Hey, hey, hey. ARLO (face off) (pants - continues under following scene and dialogue) MASON Put your hand in my pants. ARLO What? MASON (sighs) ARLO (face off) We're gonna die, and you want me to do some freaky shit like that?! MASON (overlapping) Arlo! Arlo. MASON Reach into my pocket. ARLO (pants) MASON (off) (panting) Come on! ARLO Oh. ARLO (face off) (whispering) Okay. MASON Yeah. ARLO (face off) (panting) Okay. MASON (grunts) ARLO (panting) Okay. All right, man. Okay. ARLO (grunts) MASON (panting) Okay. (continues indistinct) ARLO (off) (panting) All right. Okay. MASON (grunts) ARLO Okay. (grunts) MASON (sighs) MASON Arlo! MASON (pants) ARLO (face off) (grunts) I'm sorry. I'm a little (continues indistinct) SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. VAUGHN I'm on it. BRYNNER Stay put. (to Dennis) Keep the camera trained on... BRYNNER (off) ...them. Bound or loose... BRYNNER ..their deaths will be equally effective and inevitable. DENNIS Sir, I got Taipei grindin' on me here. How long is this supposed to ta--? SCENE EXT. DAM - DAY. MASON (grunts - continues under following dialogue) ARLO (pants) SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. DENNIS Geneva just pulled the plug. DENNIS (off) Kabula's out. SCENE EXT. DAM - DAY. ARLO (panting) Okay. (pants - continues under following dialogue) MASON (grunts - continues under following dialogue) ARLO Come on, come on! SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. DENNIS Pakistan says they'll be back tomorrow. DENNIS (off) And Taipei just went off-line, sir. BRYNNER Go. SCENE EXT. DAM - DAY. ARLO Okay, here we go. MASON (overlapping) (grunts) ARLO Come here. MASON (grunts) Go, go, go! (pants) ARLO (grunts) SCENE INT. POSTAL VAN - DAY. ARLO You just can't leave that stuff with that lu-... MASON (off) (grunts) ARLO (off) ...-natic. MASON (overlapping) (pants) That's why I didn't give it... MASON (off) him. (pants - continues indistinct under following scene and dialogue) ARLO What? ARLO (off) You got Elvis?! MASON (panting) Sometimes the prey bites back. MASON (off) Go! ARLO (pants - continues under following scene) MASON (face off) Stop. MASON (grunts) ARLO Hang... ARLO (face off) ...on! MASON (grunts) NARRATIVE TITLE Pacific ARLO (pants) Whoo! LABORATORY START MEASURING 0.00 AT START MARK CHARACTER FOOTAGEDIALOGUE SCENE INT. POSTAL VAN - DAY. MASON Aw, shit. Would you be more care-... MASON (off) ...-ful?! ARLO (panting) Okay. Okay. SCENE EXT. DAM - DAY. BRYNNER (face off) Positions. (on) We're taking up the hunt. DENNIS (panting) Come on, Brynner, it's over. Nobody said anything about goin' up against Rangers. CARL Besides, how are we gonna sell something we don't have? BRYNNER Nothing has changed, I assure you both. The Army still thinks we got Elvis. They had a tactical withdrawal. It's just those two amateurs now. Do you really want to concede a hundred million dollars to them? SCENE INT. POSTAL VAN - DAY. ARLO (pants) SCENE EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY. NARRATIVE TITLE Ft. McGruder 90 SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. BRYNNER (into radio) Carl, establish contact with that deputy we met earlier. He'll be more useful now. SCENE INT. POSTAL VAN - DAY. NARRATIVE TITLE TEMPERATURE MASON (face off) (sighs) MASON (face off) (grunts - continues under following scenes) MASON We need more ice! ARLO All right, there's a service station on the other end of the Northridge Tunnel! They'll have ice! NARRATIVE TITLE TEMPERATURE MASON (off) Oh, fuck! MASON Forty-five seven! ARLO Oh, shit. MASON (off) Okay. MASON Come on, come on, come on. MASON (pants) SCENE EXT. MEADOW - DAY. VITELLI (indistinct) GOMEZ What's going on, colonel? VITELLI Here's what I want you to do. LIEUTENANT The Ranger units in McGruder've... LIEUTENANT the local airports covered, sir. Pentagon's covering the interna-... LIEUTENANT ...-tional traffic. VITELLI Good. (to Gomez) Gomez, I want two birds back to Missoula. I wanna... VITELLI ...rendezvous here, approach from the southwest. GOMEZ Yes, sir. (grunts) GOMEZ Go. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER PILOT Colonel, you've got a Tim Mason, patched through from McGruder. VITELLI (into telephone) This is Vitelli. Is that... SCENE INT. POSTAL VAN - DAY. VITELLI (over telephone), Mason? MASON (into telephone) Yeah, yeah... MASON (off) (into telephone) ...yeah! Colonel! MASON (into telephone) Listen, I've got Elvis! ARLO We! MASON (off) (overlapping) (into telephone) I've got the real thing! ARLO (overlapping) We've got Elvis! SCENE EXT. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER - DAY. (INTERCUT WITH INT. POSTAL VAN - DAY) VITELLI (into telephone) What? Say again, Ma-... VITELLI (over telephone) ...-son. MASON (into telephone) What we gave Brynner on the dam was a phony! MASON (over telephone) We've got the real thing! VITELLI (into telephone) Where are you now... VITELLI (over telephone) ...Mason? MASON (into telephone) I'm at mile marker... MASON (into telephone) ...sixty-two... MASON (over telephone) ...heading west on... MASON (off) (into telephone) ...thirty-five! ARLO (off) Here... ARLO ...they come! MASON (into telephone) And Brynner's right on... MASON (over telephone) ...our ass! ARLO He's comin' up fast! SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. BRYNNER Hit him. SCENE INT. POSTAL VAN - DAY ARLO (grunts) Shit! SCENE INT. BRYNNER'S VAN - DAY. BRYNNER Hit him again. SCENE INT. POSTAL VAN - DAY. MASON & ARLO (grunt) SCENE EXT. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER - DAY. VITELLI (off) (into radio) We've gotta take out Brynner's van before (on) they reach... SCENE INT. GOMEZ'S HELICOPTER - DAY. VITELLI (off) (over radio) ...that tunnel. GOMEZ Get ready to take it out! SCENE INT. POSTAL VAN - DAY. ARLO (off) Okay... ARLO comes the... ARLO (off) ...tunnel! MASON (panting) Tunnel. SCENE INT. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER - DAY. VITELLI (into radio) Do it now. SCENE INT. GOMEZ'S HELICOPTER - DAY. GOMEZ Hit it... GOMEZ (off)! SCENE INT. POSTAL VAN - DAY. MASON & ARLO (off) (yell and cheer - continues under following scene and dialogue) ARLO (laughs) MASON Whoo! ARLO (overlapping) Whoo! SCENE EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY. VITELLI (voice over) Uh, so head for the other end of the tunnel. SCENE INT. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER - DAY. VITELLI (into radio) I'll stay here and secure this position. SCENE INT. POSTAL VAN - DAY. MASON Forty-seven. You'd better floor it. ARLO What do you think I'm doin'?! SCENE INT. TUNNEL - DAY. ARLO (off) It's a damn postal truck! SCENE INT. POSTAL VAN - DAY. MASON What the hell? ARLO What the--? MASON You've gotta be... MASON (off) ...kiddin' me. SCENE INT. TUNNEL - DAY. ARLO (off) Stupid. MASON I'm gonna kill him. PAPPAS Let me see your... PAPPAS (off) ...hands! MASON (grunts) (panting) Pappas! Move the car! MASON (off) Move the car, please! ARLO Unbe-fucking-lievable. MASON (off) (overlapping) (pants) PAPPAS I said let me see your hands now! MASON You redneck idiot, do you have... MASON ...any idea what's goin' on here?! PAPPAS Yeah, asshole. I'm puttin' a murder suspect and a guy who... PAPPAS (off) ...stole a truck under arrest. MASON (off) (pants - continues under following dialogue) PAPPAS (off) Now raise 'em! ARLO Let me put it in easy terms, Aristotle. We are carrying a damn bomb... ARLO (off) ...that is going to explode... ARLO ...if we don't get out of this tunnel! SCENE INT. GOMEZ'S HELICOPTER - DAY. GOMEZ (into radio) No sign of 'em... SCENE INT. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER - DAY. (INTERCUT WITH INT. TUNNEL - DAY) GOMEZ (over radio) ...major. MASON (groans) (pants) (into telephone) Yeah? VITELLI (into telephone) Mason, what is the temperature of Elvis?! MASON (into telephone) Forty-seven. VITELLI (into telephone) If you're not out of there soon, I have got to seal the... VITELLI (over telephone) ...tunnel! MASON God! (panting) They're gonna seal it. ARLO Well, why don't they talk to the sage of Jerome here?! PAPPAS What the hell's a sage? MASON (off) (panting) Listen, Pappas... MASON ...there's a colonel... MASON (off) ...on the other end of this phone. MASON His name's Vitelli. Talk to him. He's right out-... MASON (off) ...side! PAPPAS What happened to Colonel Brynner? MASON (sighs) (pants - continues under following scene and dialogue) ARLO Listen, deputy. ARLO (off) He's the dude... ARLO ...the guy the Army guys are lookin' for! PAPPAS Bullshit. (to Mason) Put the phone down, Mason. PAPPAS (off) I've heard enough of both of ya. MASON (overlapping) (panting) Wait. Listen to me, Pappas. If you don't let us by... MASON (off) ...we're all gonna die in this... MASON (off) ...tunnel now! MASON (panting) Just go check the temperature. PAPPAS Don't move! MASON (off) (pants - continues under following dialogue) ARLO Shoot me. (grunts) MASON (off) (panting) What's it say? (pants - continues under following scenes and dialogue) ARLO Forty-nine point four. MASON (pants) (into telephone) It says forty- nine. SCENE INT. GOMEZ'S HELICOPTER - DAY. GOMEZ (into radio) Forty-nine? SCENE INT. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER - DAY. GOMEZ (over radio) Major, we've gotta seal that tunnel! Major! SCENE INT. TUNNEL - DAY. ARLO Mason. MASON (panting) What? ARLO It's melting, man. NARRATIVE TITLE TEMPERATURE MASON (face off) (pants) (sighing) Oh... MASON ...shit. (low and indistinct) VITELLI (over telephone) Mason. Mason! MASON (into telephone) Yeah. SCENE INT. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER - DAY. VITELLI (into radio) It's too late, Mason. I've... SCENE INT. TUNNEL - DAY. VITELLI (over telephone) ...gotta seal it. SCENE INT. GOMEZ'S HELICOPTER - DAY. GOMEZ Great. (to Pilot) All right... GOMEZ (off) ...we're gonna seal that tunnel! I want it air-... GOMEZ (off) ...tight! SCENE INT. TUNNEL - DAY. PAPPAS What the hell was that? MASON The Army, sealin' us in. PAPPAS Jesus. FAT MAN IN TUNNEL What the hell is goin'... FAT MAN IN TUNNEL (off) ...on? MASON (panting) All I had to do was get it... MASON (off) (panting) ...on ice. (on) And now it's over! MASON Kiss your ass goodbye... MASON ...Pappas! FAT MAN IN TUNNEL Ice? You want ice? I got a whole case of beer... FAT MAN IN TUNNEL (off) ...back here in the car, floatin' in the stuff. MASON (overlapping) You're kiddin' me. ARLO (grunts) MASON (face off) (grunts) SCENE INT. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER - DAY. (INTERCUT WITH INT. TUNNEL - DAY) VITELLI (off) Nail it... VITELLI (off) ...up. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER PILOT Okay. ARLO (over telephone) (indistinct) ARLO (into telephone) We've got ice! VITELLI (into telephone) What? Say again... VITELLI (off) (over telephone) ...Mason. I can barely hear you. ARLO (into telephone) We've got it... ARLO (over telephone) ...on ice! We've got Elvis on ice! VITELLI Hold it! FAT MAN IN TUNNEL (grunts) FAT MAN IN TUNNEL (grunts) MASON (whispering) Okay. ARLO All right (continues indistinct) MASON (pants - continues under following scenes and dialogue) NARRATIVE TITLE TEMPERATURE ARLO (off) (grunts) ARLO We're too late. (pants) MASON Oh. ARLO (overlapping) (grunts) MASON Come on. Come on. ARLO (pants) (low and indistinct) (pants) NARRATIVE TITLE TEMPERATURE MASON (pants - continues under following scene) MASON (off) It's workin'. ARLO What? MASON (off) (overlapping) (pants - continues under following scene and dialogue) ARLO What? MASON (panting) It's working. ARLO (chuckles - continues under following scene and dialogue) MASON (chuckles) ARLO (kisses) MASON (pants) We got-... MASON ...-ta get outta here! ARLO (into telephone) (overlapping) Vitelli! Vitelli! MASON (overlapping) (grunts) ARLO (into telephone) Can we get out on your end of the tunnel? SCENE EXT. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER - DAY. VITELLI (into telephone) Negative. Negative. SCENE INT. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER - DAY. VITELLI (off) (into telephone) There's ammo fire from Brynner's vehicle. VITELLI (into telephone) He must've had a damn arsenal in there. SCENE INT. TUNNEL - DAY. ARLO (into telephone) Well, hell, the smoke's gonna kill us anyway! MASON (overlapping) (grunts) There's gotta be... MASON (off) ...another way (face off) outta here. (on) (grunts) (pants) Hey. ARLO Hold this. (pants - continues under following dialogue) MASON Yeah, yeah, yeah. ARLO (grunts and pants - continues under following scenes) ARLO Sorry. MASON (off) (pants - continues under following scene) MASON (into telephone) I think I found a way out. SCENE INT. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER - DAY. MASON (over telephone) There's a vent shaft leading straight up. VITELLI (into telephone) Okay, I'll have a chopper meet you at the top. SCENE INT. TUNNEL - DAY. MASON (off) (into telephone) (panting) All right. PAPPAS I'll lead 'em out. MASON (off) (overlapping) (pants - continues under following scene) MASON (panting) You sure? PAPPAS Yeah, I'm sure. MASON (off) All right, go. PAPPAS Fol-... PAPPAS (face off) ...-low me. Come on, let's go! PAPPAS (grunts) ARLO (face off) Hang on, hang on. MASON Let's go! ARLO (off) Go. MAN #2 IN TUNNEL (face off) (grunts) PEOPLE IN TUNNEL (pant - continues under following scenes and dialogue) ARLO Got it? (grunts) (to woman in tunnel) Come on, darlin'. (grunting) I gotcha. MASON (panting) Arlo, I'm gonna get Elvis. You go. MASON (off) They'll meet you at the top. ARLO Okay. (to Fat Man in Tunnel) Come on, big guy! MASON (pants - continues under following scenes) MASON (grunts and coughs - continues under following scenes) SCENE INT. TUNNEL/AIR VENT - DAY. ARLO Come on, Night Shift. SCENE INT. TUNNEL - DAY. MASON (face off) (grunts) (pants) MASON (grunts) MASON (coughs) MASON (grunts) MASON (pants) (grunts) MASON (grunts and pants) MASON (yells - continues under following scene) MASON (grunts and pants - continues under following scenes and dialogue) BRYNNER (panting) No. BRYNNER Where's Elvis?! MASON (panting) Dead, last time I... MASON (off) (panting) ...checked. (grunts and pants - continues under following scenes) MASON (groans - continues under following dialogue) BRYNNER (pants - continues under following scene) BRYNNER Kill him now. VAUGHN (off) Oh, don't worry. VAUGHN I'm a professional. This won't hurt... VAUGHN (face off) ...a bit. MASON (overlapping) (pants) Well, I'm an amateur. (grunts - continues under following scene) MASON And this is... MASON (face off) ...gonna hurt like hell. MASON (grunts) BRYNNER (grunts) MASON (grunts) BRYNNER (grunts) BRYNNER (off) (groans - continues under following scene and dialogue) MASON (grunts) MASON (grunts - continues under following scene) BRYNNER (grunts) MASON & BRYNNER (grunt) BRYNNER (pants) MASON (grunts) (pants) MASON (grunts) MASON (grunts) SCENE INT. TUNNEL/AIR VENT - DAY. PAPPAS (grunts) SCENE EXT. MOUNTAINTOP - DAY. PAPPAS (grunts) PAPPAS Come on out, son. All right. There ya go. PAPPAS Come on, son. (continues indistinct to) there ya go. PATROL CAP All right, (continues indistinct) SCENE INT. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER - DAY. VITELLI (into radio) Is Elvis out? GOMEZ (over radio) Negative. Negative. SCENE INT. TUNNEL - DAY. MASON (grunts and pants) MASON & BRYNNER (grunt) MASON & BRYNNER (pant) MASON & BRYNNER (grunt - continues under following scenes) BRYNNER Why? You're a nothing, nobody! Why? MASON You'd never understand! BRYNNER I would've in another life. MASON (pants - continues under following dialogue) BRYNNER They took that life away and left me with nothing. BRYNNER But now I have it all. ARLO (blows) BRYNNER (grunts - continues under following scene) BRYNNER (grunts and pants - continues under following scenes) MASON (grunts - continues under following scene) ARLO (grunts) Look out. MASON What'd you come back for?! ARLO Why'd you stay behind?! MASON (grunts - continues under following scene) ARLO (off) (indistinct) MASON (off) (grunts - continues under following dialogue) ARLO (face off) (grunts) SCENE EXT. TUNNEL - DAY. ARLO (grunts) MASON Elvis is still in there! It's gonna go off! MASON (grunts) SCENE INT. TUNNEL - DAY. BRYNNER (grunts) (pants) SCENE INT. VITELLI'S HELICOPTER - DAY. VITELLI (into radio) Now! Seal that tunnel now! SCENE INT. TUNNEL - DAY. BRYNNER (pants) SCENE EXT. MOUNTAINTOP - DAY. MALE MEDIC Do you need some help gettin' in the ambulance? MASON No, thanks. (grunts) ARLO (pants) (whispering) Well. MASON (grunts) ARLO You know, we saved half a million people from a full-body peel. MASON (chuckles) ARLO We're the shit. Bigtime. MASON They aren't exactly gonna publicize this, (chuckling) Arlo. (chuckles) ARLO Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey. We are heroes, my man. It's time to start actin' like it. MASON (grunts) ARLO Stop limpin' around like that. MASON Excuse me. I got a bullet in my leg. ARLO Always the negative... ARLO (off) ...with you. VITELLI (overlapping) All right, gentlemen. We're about done here. Fine job. ARLO Thank you. VITELLI Your country and a lot of innocent people in it... VITELLI (off) ...owe you. ARLO Us. Owe us. (chuckles) MASON You did help a little. ARLO Who drove the ice cream... ARLO (off) ...truck that kept Elvis cool? MASON Who had to put a gun to your head? ARLO Who put the big hurt on... ARLO (off) ...that Army nut job to save your narrow butt? MASON You, Arlo. ARLO Hello. MASON You. ARLO Right. You damn skippy. And now that I am both jobless... ARLO (off) ...and-and-and truckless in the service of my country... ARLO ...I feel that my government owes me a little restitution. MASON (overlapping) Us. Owes us. ARLO I'll handle this from here, sweet (continues indistinct to) (to Vitelli) Owes us a little restitution. VITELLI We do have to take into consideration that, through your courage... VITELLI (off) ...and selfless actions, you did save millions of lives. ARLO Exactly. VITELLI However, you are also non-en-... VITELLI (off) ...-listed personnel with detailed knowledge of classified secrets falling under the National Security Act. VITELLI In order to protect those secrets, I am authorized to fine you, imprison you... VITELLI (off) take any extreme measures I deem necessary... VITELLI ...including the permanently extreme. ARLO I'd say we're about even. MASON Patriotism is its own reward. ARLO I think so too. MASON (overlapping) (grunts) Yeah. MASON Thank you. ARLO (off) Thank you very much. MASON What about all that "no need to get in the man's... MASON ...face" crap you've been telling me? ARLO (overlapping) I was not in the man's face. I was nego-... ARLO ...-tiatin'. MASON (overlapping) Look. That's negotiating? He threatened to kill... MASON ARLO But he didn't. See, that's negotiation. MASON (overlapping) No. MASON That's bullshit. ARLO Bullshit, yeah. Well...if we're not gonna be famous, at least this'll be a great story to tell some ladies in a bar or somethin'. MASON (overlapping) Arlo, nobody's gonna believe us. MASON Nobody-Nobody's even gonna know this happened, except for the people that were here, the Army, you and me... MASON ...and-- FEMALE MEDIC #1 (interrupting) You shouldn't be walking on that. ARLO Hello, somebody. FEMALE MEDIC #2 Heard you saved a lot of lives. FEMALE MEDIC #1 The Army said it was a terrorist bomb. ARLO Oh! MASON Oh, oh! ARLO I feel faint. MASON (overlapping) Ooh. MASON, ARLO, FEMALE MEDIC #1 & FEMALE MEDIC #2 (overlapping, indistinct chatter and exclamations of "Oh!" and "Ooh!" - continues under following scene and dialogue) ARLO Oh. Oh, you got me? You got me? FEMALE MEDIC #2 I gotcha. MASON (overlapping) Oh, you got me? FEMALE MEDIC #1 Yeah, I gotcha. Hold on. MASON (overlapping) (groans - continues under following dialogue) ARLO You know, it's, uh-it's very hush-hush, as we say in the spy game. MASON (panting) Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. PEOPLE AT MOUNTAINTOP (low and indistinct chatter - continues under following scenes and dialogue) MASON (grunts - continues under following dialogue) ARLO It all started with our mission in Istanbul. MASON (overlapping) Yeah. ARLO I was undercover as a tennis player. MASON (overlapping) Yeah. ARLO My code name was Blackjack. Night Shift was my coach. Uh-Uh-Uh, I'm sorry. Mason was my coach. MASON (overlapping) (grunts) ARLO Uh, he handled rackets, and I carried the balls. MASON (overlapping) Yeah. ARLO (overlapping) (low and indistinct to) you see, that was a-that was my mission. MASON (overlapping) (indistinct to) big balls. ARLO That's right. MASON, ARLO, FEMALE MEDIC #1 & FEMALE MEDIC #2 (overlapping, indistinct chatter and grunts - continues under following scene and dialogue) ARLO Ooh, that's it. Just grab-Just put your arm-- Don't be afraid. MASON (overlapping) Oh. SCENE BLACK BACKGROUND. ARLO (voice over) You got a nice strong grip for a woman. FEMALE MEDIC #1 (voice over) Oh, thank you. ARLO (voice over) Yes, you do. FEMALE MEDIC #2 (voice over) Ooh, ooh. ARLO (voice over) Yeah, and, uh...that's a wonderful, wonderful walkie-talkie you got there. MASON (voice over) (overlapping) Do I have to get naked? FEMALE MEDIC #2 (voice over) (overlapping) You don't have to. MASON (voice over) I don't have to? FEMALE MEDIC #2 (chuckling) Are you kidding?